Monthly Archives: December 2010

Happy Holidays! (From Amy Plum & Family)

Happy Holidays Pastiche


Where the hell is Montreuil-les-Vignes? (Or: Why Didn’t You Move to Cannes?)

Montreuil-les-Vignes*, our home, is a town of 1246 people, of which 70+ families are wine makers. Which means that basically everyone is involved in some way with making wine. READ MORE…


Why Trade in the Big Apple for the Big Baguette?

Five and a half years ago, when we told our friends and family that we were moving from New York back to France, the reply was inevitably, “Oh, to Paris”? When we answered, “No, to the French countryside”, the responses ranged from “That sounds idyllic” to “Are you kidding? READ MORE…


A Writing Life: Intimidation (or “Back to the playground”)

So…you’ve quit your job to write full-time. Your first book is done. A rough draft of the second book is with your editor. What do you do with a couple of months “break”? Take a vacation? Enjoy your free time? Are you freakin’ kidding me? This is your new career! You want to do EVERYTHING READ MORE…


The Winner of the 1st Signed ARC of DIE FOR ME is…

Lisa Marie Runfola!! Like my main character, Lisa Marie is an American living in Paris, and she bid an amazing $338 for the book. Lisa Marie wrote me a very touching note after the auction, saying that she wanted the book for her 17-year-old daughter Marie READ MORE…
