Amy Plum’s Daily Devoirs: The Fur Teacup Dev

Méret Oppenheim, Breakfast in Fur (1936)

Write down your initial reaction when you see this image. Wait five minutes and then write what you now feel/think about it.

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7 Comments to Amy Plum’s Daily Devoirs: The Fur Teacup Dev

  1. by Keegan Shayne - On August 30, 2011

    Well this is my first Dev and I think that this is a really cool idea! I wrote mine from a third person point of view as I am trying to work on voice and such and I hope this does not sound stupid but here it is never the less:

    He imagined the fur against his lips. The thought had caused him to shudder; having fur that had once belonged to an animal blanketing the teacup and the teaspoon as well as the saucer. Luckily these are all just thoughts. He knew that if his lips brushed the surface of the covered crockery or cutlery he would instantly gag. If even his hands came remotely near to the seemingly strange objects he would wrench at the thoughts that swirled around within his mind. I mean what if the fur had not been clean? What if bacteria had coated the fur and lived within the tiny strands?

    ~Keegan Shayne

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  3. by Sarah - On August 30, 2011

    Ughh. I’m revolted. First, my thoughts go to the poor animal that potentially died to provide a small piece of art(?) like this. Then I look harder, and can feel the prickle of the fur as it would feel if I tried to take a drink out of something like this. I can imagine pieces of fur catching in my throat as I tried to take a drink. And what would the drink be from a cup like this? Blood?
    My second look a few minutes later still brought forth the same reaction of revulsion. But this time I tried to see why someone might have done this. To get a reaction? To prove that a fur tea cup is as useful as a fur coat? To show that fur just doesn’t look right unless it’s on the animal it belongs to? Perhaps the initial feeling of disgust is exactly what the artist was going for? Then I tried to look a little further, into the depths of the fur. Could I tell what animal it came from? The only animal the fur reminds me of is that of a wolf. That made me smile briefly – I have a special connection with our lupine friends…

  4. by Leah - On August 31, 2011

    That is all I have to say right now!

  5. by Ciaran - On September 2, 2011

    wait does something smell like wet dog crossed with coffee?

  6. by amy - On September 2, 2011

    Leah and Ciaran – HA!

    And Keegan and Sarah – awesome!

  7. by Tania - On March 9, 2014

    I completely have nothing…but only one thing, 1.Is Fur.


  1. Amy Plum’s Daily Devoirs (A Project in Creativity) | Amy Plum

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