Monthly Archives: September 2011
Posted on September 24, 2011 by amy
Like Part I, this is from my unpublished memoir, IN THE VINES, and took place around 5 years ago. Enjoy!
"My" castle
Fabienne called back the next day to confirm that she had secured a negligible raise in my pay. I accepted. Even if she hadn’t succeeded, READ MORE…
Posted on September 23, 2011 by amy
The following is from my unpublished memoir IN THE VINES, and this story happened about 5 years ago. I’ll give you some today and more tomorrow!
My potential place of employment
I was living in the middle of nowhere. I had just closed down my 19th-century paintings business. And I had a four-month old baby at home. What kind of job could I find speaking a French that was passable but definitely not professional? READ MORE…
Posted on September 22, 2011 by amy
Since I’m going to tell you some stories about when I first moved to the French countryside, I need you to understand how basic (read…BAD) my French was when I got here. This is taken directly from my blog 5 years ago: READ MORE…
Posted on September 20, 2011 by amy
In honor of Josephine Angelini, who had her wisdom teeth out yesterday, I thought I’d share my own wisdom teeth story, in hopes that I’d get some stories back from you. (I’m in bed with a cold, so am in sore need of entertainment. We’ll do a trade: I try to entertain you if you entertain me back.) READ MORE…
Posted on September 16, 2011 by amy
While you were eating breakfast this morning, a man in a suit walked through your front door and, before disappearing in a puff of smoke, informed you that you had just been granted the superpower you always wanted. You’re going to use your superpower for good, of course, but before that you want to have a little fun with it to test its limits. What do you do?
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