Monthly Archives: July 2012

Countdown to YASH

I’m popping out of my Batcave, where I am busily working on copyedits to IF I SHOULD DIE, to remind you that the summer YA Scavenger Hunt starts in 2 days (August 1)!

As I promised you all, my special content this time is a Point-of-View piece that Jules wrote near the beginning of UNTIL I DIE. And to whip you into a frenzy of Hunt madness, I’m giving you these two teasers…the first and last lines of the POV.

“I’m in love with a girl who’s not mine to love.”


“My heart is sore with wanting her.”

Is that enough inspiration to join the hunt? 🙂 If so, prepare yourselves by checking out the Hunt Homepage!

Back to the Batcave, which I’ve moved this week to a top-secret location…

Appropriate place for a batcave, non?

(I jumped on a train to see an old friend, so brought my work with me!) If you want more photos of my top-secret hideout, I’m letting people guess where I am on Twitter at @AmyPlumOhLaLa.

As Christian would say…”Laters, baby!”*

*A hint to what I read on the train…cover carefully hidden.


Plummy Updates – the one with the new language deal

I got some BIG news lately, which is that the DIE FOR ME trilogy has yet another language. (It is presently translated into English, German, French, Norwegian, Turkish, Bulgarian, and Russian.) And the bigness of this is the fact that it is a market I’ve really wanted to have – not only is YA HUGE there, but readers from this country have been writing me for over a year asking when the books would be translated into their language. So…that news to come as soon as I sign my contract. All this to say…I’m so pleased.

Books-a-Million chose DIE FOR ME as one of their Most Popular Teen Reads, and are offering it on sale here.

The Summer YA Scavenger Hunt will be starting soon. And so many of you asked me to write a Jules POV for it that…I caved. Check back here August 1 for your first (and perhaps last) view ever inside the oh-so-yummy revenant’s head.

I have a couple of new events in my calendar, including Kansas City and Vegas (baby!) in 2013. Check them here.

And since I promised you photos with each post, here are a couple from my trip to Ireland. I took my kids to see the Street Performance World Championship in Dublin, which featured amazing shows like:

AJ James, who is balancing on a barrel while a little girl from the crowd throws knives at him.

...and even more amazing, after he convinced two big hairy dads from the audience to take their shirts off and wrap him in chains. (which he then escaped from)

And finally, I’m starting work on the copyedits to IF I SHOULD DIE, which is the last step (that I’m involved in) in the editing process. After this, the book is out of my hands…and in 10 months in YOUR hands! (Hurray!)


Pit-Stop in Ireland

I just finished an idyllic week’s holiday in Dublin, staying with my artist friend Mags, and managed to fit in a quickie stop for an informal signing at Eason O’Connell Street. (Thanks to Eason’s Sheena and Hachette’s Siobhan Tierney for organizing.)

One of my favorite things is meeting people I’ve talked to on Twitter and FB in REAL LIFE. And amongst my readers who joined me at Eason were a couple of fans who have been super-supportive of the DIE FOR ME trilogy.

So here’s a big thanks to all who turned out, especially Nadine and Marina!

Marina and me at Eason (photo @punkdiva)

Nadine and me at Eason (photo @ratedrechelon)

And now, after drinking gallons of tea and eating kilos of scones, it’s back to Paris!


Plummy Updates – the one with the boat party

A few tidbits to catch you up on DIE FOR ME trilogy goings-on!

For my Irish friends: I will be doing an informal signing at Eason O’Connell Street on Wed. July 25 from 3-4pm. Stop by to say “hi” and get your books signed!

Next, I gave Yara of Once Upon a Twilight an exclusive Vincent POV piece that I wrote just before starting on UNTIL I DIE. It’s part of her 50 Shades of YA Boys contest. I also included a secret about Vincent that NOBODY KNOWS…and which won’t be addressed in Book 3. So be sure to take a look!

Also, catch my mini-interview with Kristi Belcamino, a mystery writer who has the same agent as me! (Hurray for Stacey Glick!)

I am once again participating in the YA Scavenger Hunt (taking place in August). Check out the details and teams here!

And because a blog post without photos is a sad sad thing, I’m going to start giving you pictures from my new life in Paris now that I’ve moved from the French countryside and am living here full-time. (If you follow me on Twitter, you already get regular Paris photos.)

From a party I went to last night on a boat on the Seine (they are called “les péniches“) parked right across from Notre Dame:

All of the boys had tragically hip beards, and I tried SO HARD to get you a photo of this guy’s outfit: shorts and a double-breasted suit jacket with shiny buttons.

I am totally putting this outfit on a character in my next book.

Here’s me being amused by all of the beards and hipness.

A shot of the inside of the boat…and most importantly…

the platter of macarons. And let me tell you…the pistachio flavored ones were DIVINE. I hope you enjoyed joining me at that little boat party on the Seine. More Paris events and photos to come. But first…

*runs for airport* *jumps on plane* *flies to Ireland*


Writing week in Trouville

What would you do if you sent in the final draft of your third book and had a few weeks before getting a copy-edited version back for changes?

[Hint: Your kids are with your ex and you have a whole week free. Your vacation isn’t until later in the summer, and you miss writing because it’s been awhile. But you need some inspiration.]

If I were you, I would phone up a writer friend and ask if you could hang out at his beach house where you could write all day, take walks on the beach, and then meet up with his friends and eat in restaurants at night. Does that sound like a good plan to you?

It did to me. So I phoned up my friend Nicolas, who is a French screenwriter with several fabulous TV series and films under his belt, and asked if I could hang with him at his house in Trouville, which is a beach town in Normandy, just a stone’s throw (if you are an Olympic shot-putter…okay, if you are Ironman) across the channel from England.

Because he is a total sweetheart he said yes, and here we are two nights ago after sampling the catch of the day in a seaside restaurant.

Me and Nicolas

