Monthly Archives: February 2013

Cowgirl Camp (okay…authors’ retreat in Texas)

In two weeks I’m going to a writer’s retreat in Texas with the following folks:

Brandy Allard, @BrandyAllard *
Anna Carey, @AnnaCareyBooks
Rae Carson, @raecarson
Corinne Duyvis, @corinneduyvis
Sonia Gensler, @soniagensler
Tessa Gratton, @tessagratton
Bethany Hagen, @Bethany_Hagen
Tara Hudson, @thudsonwrites
Emily Kate Johnston, @ek_johnston
Michelle Krys, @michellekrys *
Gretchen McNeil, @GretchenMcNeil
Myra McEntire, @MyraMcEntire
Amy Parker, @amychristinepar
Natalie C Parker, @nataliecparker
Amy Plum, @AmyPlumOhLaLa
Beth Revis, @bethrevis
Carrie Ryan, @carrieryan
Victoria Schwab, @veschwab
Amy Tintera, @amytintera
Kim Welchons, @Kim_Welchons
Stephanie Winkelhake, @StephieWink
Brenna Yovanoff, @brennayovanoff

Fun, right? I promise to post lots of pics and bring back some good stories!


Happy Valentine’s Day! (DIE FOR HER teaser)

I wanted to give you something romantically mushy on this VD, since I think you’re so cute and all. I can’t really give much mush from IF I SHOULD DIE without totally spoiling, so here is a tiny snippet of DIE FOR HER.

This happens after Georgia’s boyfriend’s concert. Jules is with the Italian girl he brought as his date—meanwhile Kate, Arthur, Violette and Georgia are facing off with the numa in the alleyway behind the concert hall.

The air in her studio is heavy with perfume. Giulianna drapes her coat over a chair and turns to face me. I lift her chin with my fingertips and touch my lips to hers. She’s soft and warm. I pull her closer, feeling my pulse accelerate as she presses her chest against mine. She runs one hand through my hair and traces circles behind my ear with her fingertips. Our kiss deepens.

Guilianna starts fumbling with the buttons of my shirt, and in seconds I’ve torn it off and am holding her in my bare arms and we’re stumbling toward her bed unable to stop kissing even while we’re pulling each other down to lie atop the scattered cushions.

I know what’s coming next. I look at Guilianna’s expertly made-up face, sink into her catlike beauty, and then close my eyes and I’m kissing Kate. I don’t even try to stop it any more—this happens every time. With every girl.

Coming April 2, 2013. Pre-order DIE FOR HER here.


IF I SHOULD DIE theme song(s)

I listened to the IF I SHOULD DIE playlist several times, and there are two songs that stand out, both in 1. the lyrics being perfect for Kate & Vincent & the storyline of IF I SHOULD DIE, and 2. the music being the kind of thing I can imagine setting a Kate & Vincent scene to, if the book were a movie.

So there will be two theme songs for IF I SHOULD DIE:

Everything Good – by Ashes Remain (first nominated by Amanda Brown)
Keep Holding On – by Avril Lavigne (first nominated by Taliah)

both Amanda and Taliah will win an ARC of IF I SHOULD DIE!

Thank you EVERYONE for participating. As I listen to it, I will keep adding scene suggestions beside each song on this page. I love our playlist, and hope you do too!!
