Featuring French YA Author, Georgia Caldera

Now that I’m getting to know more authors here in France, I thought I’d feature one from time to time. And the first person I want to tell you about is Georgia Caldera.

Georgia was sitting on the other end of the signing table from Rachel Caine and me during the Welcome to Mystic Falls 2 conference, and both she and her vampire novel, Les Larmes Rouges (translation: “Red Tears”), looked so interesting I had to go over and introduce myself.

She had some illustrations from her book tacked up behind her and I commented on how amazing the artwork was. Turns out she did them too. So she’s not only a writer but also an artist. No, of course I’m not jealous.

*Amy draws stick figure* *is inordinately proud, and tapes it to the fridge*

Ahem, where was I? Oh yes…author AND artist…

Georgia’s book was so thick that with my slow-going French reading I was worried it would take me all year to read it, but when I saw that she had created an “Artbook” to go with it, I jumped at the chance to own some of Georgia’s work. And she, very sweetly, bought my book in return.

Me with Georgia Caldera

I took the book home and devoured both its images and the great quotes from the book that she chose to go with each one. And then, when I was at my reading at l’Antre Monde a couple of weeks ago, someone mentioned her and said that she had won the Prix Merlin – a French literary prize awarded for works of fantasy and supernatural.

So…if you read French, be sure to check out Georgia’s prize-winning vampire novel Les Larmes Rouges. And even if you don’t you must take a look at her Les Larmes Rouges Artbook, which is illustrated with gorgeous images like this:

Both can be purchased on her editor Editions du Chat Noir’s site.

Oh, and she had her picture taken with Ian too. 🙂

Check out Georgia’s blog and her book site, and have fun acquainting yourself with a prize-winning French YA author (and artist).

And a huge congratulations to Georgia for winning the Merlin Prize!!!

5 Comments to Featuring French YA Author, Georgia Caldera

  1. by Emberchyld - On July 15, 2012

    Ooohhh… has she been translated into Portuguese or Spanish? It would take me all year with a dictionary at my side to get through any of her books in French, but her art looks lovely and the descriptions on her website sound amazing. 🙂

  2. by Alea - On July 16, 2012

    Awwee her book seems really awesome.. No english versions? Im unofrtunate with only knowing 1 language.

  3. by amy - On July 16, 2012

    Carli and Alea – I think the book is still only in French, but the ArtBook only has 1 sentence per page along with the beautiful pictures, so you could totally Google translate that! 🙂

  4. by Natalie - On July 17, 2012

    Wow Georgia is an amazing artist. I would love to read her book, French would be a huge challenge as i only have English on my side and that can be challenging in itself!
    Though i am always up for a challenge!
    Thanks Amy : )


  1. Featuring French YA Author, Georgia Caldera | Amy Plum | Vampire Occult Society

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