DIE FOR ME fan photos

When I saw these photos taken by DIE FOR ME fan Amanda Meum (half-French, but lives in Norway), I knew I had to do something special with them. So I’ve decided to have a DIE FOR ME photo-identification contest!

After not having been to France for 6 years, Amanda visited Paris last summer and went to all of the places she remembered from the DIE FOR ME series. And then she sent me the photos!

Here they are in all of their Parisian glory,


Photo 1. Door to left of Eglise St. Paul, also the entry to Jules’s art studio where Kate meets Jules. Site of numa break-in in book 2. (Also my apartment in the 1990s.)


Photo 2: quai of the Ile St. Louis, where Vincent and Kate decide to give an undead-human relationship a go. A view of this is in the last scene of book 3. (I hung out here in the summers.)


Photo 3: Used to be the Dome Cafe, where Kate gets a crepe before following Vincent and Jules into St. Paul metro and witnessing Jules’s death-by-metro. (Across the street from my old apartment.)


Photo 4: where Vincent takes Kate for hot chocolate in book 1. (Went here for hot chocolate when I couldn’t be bothered to go across the Seine to Angelina’s.)


Photo 5: where Lucien takes Charles’s body and stages an attack on the kindred in book 1. (Will fight my claustrophobia to visit this amazing place.)


Photo 6: pont du Carrousel, with creepy tunnel to right where sword fight took place in book 1. Vincent dove from this bridge to save the teenager attempting suicide. (Love wandering along this quai all the way down to the Jardin des Plantes.)


Photo 7: Metro for Vincent’s and Kate’s neighborhood. They meet there before Village St. Paul date in book 1. (Didn’t ever hang out in this ‘hood, but thought it was perfect for Papy and Mamie.)


Photo 8: Village St. Paul, where Vincent and Kate go on their first date, he buys a necklace for Charlotte, and they spot Lucien. (Loved shopping for unique presents here. Right around corner from my old apartment.)


Photo 9: the Picasso Museum, where Kate bumps into Jules and Vincent (and Ambrose, volant), and has coffee with Vincent after Jules takes off. (One of my favorite museums, but closed for the last few years.)


Photo 10: Eiffel Tower – in last scene (Kate’s birthday surprise) of book 1. (Love seeing this from far away. Hate actually going.)


Photo 11: Sacre Coeur basilica. Site of battle between Violette and the sisters in Book 2. (You feel like you’re on top of the world when you’re here. I go only occasionally.)


Photo 12: interior of Rue du Bac metro. Also shows up in scene where Kate runs into Charlotte and Charles, and he gives major attitude.


Photo 13: The taxidermy shop that Kate tells Charlotte she used to come with her mom. (And my FAVORITE taxidermy shop. I love this place.)


Photo 14: cafe where Kate sees Vincent with Genevieve in book 1, and in book 2 where the sisters run into Arthur. (Spent much time here my first few years in Paris, eating their yummy tarte tartin.)


Photo 15: Metro where Kate follows Vincent and Jules and witnesses a bardia “save”. (“My” metro when I lived in Paris in the ’90s.)


Photo 16: Pont des Arts (nighttime shiny shot): site of Vincent and Kate’s first kiss. (I kissed a British guy here. I was young. He was younger. It was super-romantic.)


Photo 17: Pont Alexandre III: Vincent rows Kate under this in rowboat at end of Book 1. (My favorite bridge in Paris.)


Photo 18: Papy’s antiquities gallery, in the 6th, next to the Seine. (The real antiquities gallery was happy to hear they were in the book, and let us take pictures.)


Photo 19: The Musee Maillol. I used this building (but changed the facade and courtyard) to be my La Maison – home of Jean-Baptiste and the kindred. (This building has so much history – used to be a convent!)


Photo 20: Centre Georges Pompidou. Kate finds proof of the 1968 death of Vincent and Ambrose in the library here, then sees a re-animated Jules upstairs in the museum. (I have spent much time studying in the library and perusing the permanent collection.)


Photo 21: the building in the 6th where I set Papy and Mamie’s apartment. (I scoured the neighborhood until I found the perfect building.)


Photo 22: rue Champollion, where Ambrose and Vincent were killed saving people from a fire during the riots of 1968. (Also where I lived in 1995.)


Photo 23: St. Paul Metro. Kate and Vincent sat in front of it on the steps of Eglise St. Paul while Kate told him about the jousts that used to take place in this spot.


Photo 24: the quai near rue du Bac where the rowboat was waiting at the bottom of this staircase. Book 1.


Photo 25: our lovely photographer Amanda on the Pont des Arts!

5 Comments to DIE FOR ME fan photos

  1. by amy - On December 16, 2013

    If it makes you guys feel any better, there are a couple of these that even I don’t recognize! (I’ll have to ask Amanda what they were.) Just try any that you can!

  2. by Mayken - On December 16, 2013

    Wow, hats off to Amanda!
    I don’t recognise them all either, and I live in this city, too. (Still, I’ll let the non-Parisians play, wouldn’t be fair otherwise.)

    Great idea!

  3. by Minerva Mendoza - On December 16, 2013

    I’ve the pix. N I love Amy Plum’s books very gifted author.

  4. by katie - On December 17, 2013

    This is awesome but are some of this the same place but just different shoots?

  5. by Amanda M - On December 17, 2013

    The pictures are all from different places

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