Artwork by Sarah Johnson

Hurray for swirls!


“In a Cafe in Paris” Poem by Harman Kaur

In a Café in Paris

By Harman Kaur

They first locked eyes in a café in Paris
Him sitting joyfully with two rowdy friends
Her content to sit in the Age of Innocence with her fictional friends

They first exchanged names in a café in Paris
Him exchanging a bag for a name
Her just trying to get away with her identity hidden

He saved her life in a café in Paris
He had his friend ask her forward
She escaped from a chaotic crash

From all those meetings in a café in Paris…
He told her he was a revenant
She promised to keep his secret

From those gazes shared in a café in Paris
They ended up in love
Staying together in good or bad

From those meetings in a café in Paris
They fought good and bad
Fought their friends and their enemies

But one day their friend who was an enemy won
In the end Vincent fell and died
Kate’s tears fell and her heart died


Comedy submission by Kelly Dixon


Testimonial by Solange Veiga

When I think of Paris, I think of the lights in the Eiffel tower, the beautiful night, the sweet scent of croissants coming out of café’s and people reading books! I think of the river, the people walking around and the different monuments you can visit!

But now? When I think of Paris, I see Vincent saving Kate, Vincent kissing Kate, the revenant and Numa fights, the club’s Kate’s sister seems to love so much, the Mansion Vincent lives in and the fighting training sessions Kate got in that exact same place!

I think of Kate’s life taking a turn, getting better after the tragedy that followed her back from the US. I think of Kate finally finding something to hold on to! I think of her Grandmother and her Grandfather who love her, I think of her and her sister having boy talks!

But most importantly, I think of Vincent picking up Kate on his motorcycle, Vincent caring and loving Kate, their first Kiss and Vincent’s family, the family that became Kate’s as well!
Among this secret world, someone who is out of place and doesn’t fit in finds Love and Family, Friendship and Life!

Kate found something to hold on to! Something she won’t let go of, not without putting up a fight first! She found Vincent!

-Solange Veiga


DIE FOR ME series video montage by Alyanna

Alyanna of ReadBreatheRead took the existing video trailers for DIE FOR ME and UNTIL I DIE and added a bit!

DIE FOR ME series montage video
