Photo by Kelly Fine

Life and love will always blossom despite any obstacle you encounter.

This gorgeous photograph was taken by Kelly Fine during a hike along the Merced River. It represents the DIE FOR ME series for her – and she added the caption!


Poem by Stephanie Reyes

My SUN… and I.

The sun, the moons, and the stars, change slowly over time;

Like me, I change and age like any other,

Yet in death’s call I go back to my original form.

Like them I will waste away slowly, depending on the life of my sun.

I should not get too attached, since suns eventually die.

It will end my existence, cast my world into darkness.

It will burst me into a million fragments, until I can slowly be brought together.

I had found the light, yet can easily lose it.

My sun is fragile, yet it ages the fastest, more quicker then I.

One day it will die, and will I.

by Stephanie Reyes


An entire blog made

Tabea Marei had too much to say and to show for just one entry. So she made a whole blog full! This one made me laugh.


Artwork by Sana Zahra

Also among my favorites, an original artwork by Sana Zahra.


Nail art by Morgane Fabreguettes

This was one of my top choices because it’s so original and totally AWESOME!!!

Nail art based on the DIE FOR ME book covers, by Morgane Fabreguettes
